Jet Li and Joespehine Siao in ‘Fong Sai Yuk’

The characters of Fong Sai Yuk and his mother (who also happens to be his sifu) are central to the film Fong Sai Yuk, and the teamwork of the actors who play these characters – Jet Li and Josephine Siao – is central to this film’s success as a piece of entertainment. Below I have…

Fong Sai Yuk – Random Thoughts

Part comedy, part broiling melodrama, Fong Sai Yuk (1993) is good solid entertainment in the form of a kung fu film. Directed by master choreographer Corey Yuen Kuei, it boasts an excellent cast including Jet Li (Fong Sai Yuk), Josephine Siao Fong Fong (Miu Chui Fa - Fong Sai Yuk’s kung fu fighting Mum), Paul…

Tai Chi Master – Characters and Actors

According to my notes, the Chinese title for this film is Tai Ji Zhang San Feng. How does this literally translate? I am assuming that Tai Ji refers to the martial art that I know as Tai Chi. I know that Zhang San Feng is the name of the character who, according to myth, invented…

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Yoghanza Theatre Company

Performed 8-11 September 2010 as part of the Kenneth Myer Asian Theatre Series at the Arts Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Korean theatre company, Yoghanza, has devised a unique piece of theatre based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream. To quote from the program: “this production... incorporates themes from Korean culture and folklore. The production also…

Donnie Yen Interview about OUTIC 2

I am currently writing posting blogs about one of my very favourite movies – Once Upon A Time in China 2 (OUTIC 2). This movie stars Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Rosamund Kwan, Xiong Xin Xin, and legendary Shaw Brothers star David Chiang in an important supporting role. It was directed and produced by Tsui Hark,…

Swordsman 2’s Invincible Asia and the tradition of cross dressing in kung fu movies

(My previous blog was about Brigitte Lin's performance as Invincible Asia. This blog contains some thoughts about Swordsman 2's transsexual villain Invincible Asia and the tradition of cross dressing in kung fu movies) In his review of Swordsman 2, critic Paul Fonoroff states: “The beautiful Brigitte Lin seems miscast – there is no way she…

The sexuality of the characters in Swordsman 2

The sexuality of the characters in Swordsman 2  (My previous blog on Swordsman 2 discussed the choreography of this film).  “But as subversive as Lin’s transsexual anti-heroine already is, the film’s auto-critique must also queer the chastest, most sexually reticent, of all martial arts stars, Jet Li” p 134, Kung Fu Cult Masters by Leon…